Teen Reach Advocacy Counselor


Odessa, TX

What you'll be doing

Provide case management to teen parents by means of group/individual counseling, parent education, and mentoring. Align teen parent needs with social services as appropriate. Lead in the development and implementation of a comprehensive campus plan to assist at risk students plan for higher education. Work with staff to identify at risk students and establish contact with each student. Develop personal graduation plans to assist at risk students in meeting goals toward graduation. Provide/arrange appropriate counseling, tutoring and mentoring interventions to enhance success in academics, testing and preparation/participation in higher education. Assist with VHS/dropout credit recovery procedures. Work with social workers and school personnel to identify students with truancy problems. Coordinate efforts in feeder schools to provide vertical alignment in services for at risk students. Assist students served through special programs access educational opportunities. Work closely with parents, sharing information and conferencing regarding students academic progress and opportunities. Collaborate with community, state, and national agencies in providing education and awareness for students and parents. Conduct staff development on at risk related issues. Participate on student support teams at the campus level. Intervene effectively with high risk youth in a non-threatening manner.

What your background should be

Successful teaching experience. Certification in guidance and counseling.

Required Schooling / Training

Masters degree in counseling

Who is the client company

Concern about educational service.
If you are interested in this position, send your resume to apply@kochdavis.com